Starting a business is never been an easy job. And when you plan on earning money from the business. It becomes practically impossible to do it all by yourself and without putting in a lot of effort. Also, the restaurant industry is one of the fastest-growing industries right now. It’s a lifetime business with no recession and depression. Consequently, online food ordering services from restaurants has increased a lot over the years.
Moreover, according to, Last year, restaurants crossed a digital milestone. The percentage of orders booked online or using a smartphone or tablet app—now 6.6% of the total. Exceeded the quantity placed verbally over the telephone (5%).
What’s New:
Nevertheless, each and every restaurant, from five-star hotels to small food businesses. Has a system to take food orders online for delivery. An online ordering system for restaurants has been gaining popularity. Due to the entry of these 3rd party delivery services. Also, they have provided reasonable delivery options to small restaurants.
Thus, earlier this delivery market was primarily dominated by Asian and Fast Food chains. With the entry of these 3rd party players, many restaurants have access to a very different market. Which was completely inaccessible, earlier. Basically, White label food ordering means getting all the facilities as per the restaurant requirements under one roof.
Usually, big chain restaurants have their own online ordering system but there are many other small businesses. And, homemade food start-ups, Ghost kitchens. Who is waiting for an affordable online food ordering system, and thanks to the white-label food ordering system. They fulfil their need by creating all-in-one ordering features.
As a restaurant or café owner, you really need to understand the importance of the food ordering system. And with the Best White Label Solution , you can easily provide all your products to your customers at a very reasonable price.
And the best thing about white label food ordering is you don’t have to invest a fortune in it. If you have your white label partner like it can be done for free or with or small monthly subscriptions.
FoodChow is a pure White label food ordering system that can offer benefits you’re seeking for your restaurant business. It’s completely integrated and ready-made. This helps you to make the branding very easy. You do not need to waste time and money on research or development. You can append your own branding and identity.
It keeps your customers more satisfied. Your customers have certain goals like ordering food for home delivery, party orders, catering orders from their favorite restaurants all types of payment gateways. By using a white label solution, you can grant them a clear and simple way of reaching it.
Building a solution from scratch takes a considerably huge amount of human capital resources and a lot of time. That’s why most food delivery startups failed due to a lack of funding. Hence, operating on a negative margin per delivery.
Therefore, choose a white label that provides you some great features and benefits. Like no commission or less commission on the transaction. And, complete branding, and marketing, direct payments into your bank account, a professional website for online booking (if you don’t have one). Also, increased profits and sales, get your own customer database, free listing, and trails before buying premium plans, and many more.
Our Worldwide named FoodChow allows you to take your restaurants, bars and cafés. And any food business order online with lots of features, at a very low price. And if you wish to have a food ordering system for your food business, please feel free to contact us.